Guangzhou University Songtian College
Founded in 2000, Guangzhou University Songtian College (广州大学松田学院), one of the oldest undergraduate independent colleges in Guangdong province, is a private university (independent college) approved by the Ministry of Education in April 2004 and operated by Songtian Company in collaboration with Guangzhou University. Locates in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, the University conducts unified student recruitment on a national scale. Guangzhou University Songtian College has nine academic departments and nine research institutes and offers 34 bachelor’s degree programmes. In September 2019, Guangzhou University Songtian College has approximately 10,500 students.
The average initial employment rate of Guangzhou University Songtian College in 2017-2019 was 95% while China’s overall initial employment rate for higher education graduates in the same period was approximately 78%, according to Frost & Sullivan Report. Guangzhou University Songtian College earned the Award for Guangdong’s Most Competitive Independent College in the 30 Years of Reform and Opening-Up (改革开放30周年广东最具竞争力独立学院奖) by Guangzhou Daily. Guangzhou University Songtian College also won the Guangzhou’s Garden Organisation title from Guangzhou government for its beautiful landscape.